Our Progress: Extending the Reach of CC's Block Plan


Two of CC's distinctive assets are the Block Plan and our one-of-a-kind place of learning in the Colorado Rockies.


Doing more to capitalize on both of these resources offers new opportunities for our students and extends the college's reach to new constituencies.

Redesigning summer programs and increasing access to the arts are leading to additional progress on our strategic initiatives.


Build Nationally Recognized Summer and Half-Block Programs for a New Generation of Learners
Students in Mike Taber's Pre-College Ecology class From Grasslands to Glaciers camped outside of Fairplay, Colorado where they waded into a stream near Four-Mile Creek to observe stream species.


"A priority will be to ensure the summer months provide space for students or faculty to pursue new academic opportunities, whether conducting research with faculty, taking an elective course outside their major, test-driving a new course, or bolstering an existing course with field work that allows students to enjoy the beautiful summer months in Colorado," says Jim Burke, director of Summer Session.

Burke also chaired the Summer Strategic Plan Project Team that convened in Block 1 to develop recommendations to make Colorado College's summer program a model for liberal arts institutions, supporting student access, retention, persistence, and success.


The Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College
"I believe it is so important to help youth see life though many different perspectives. Exposure to the arts encourages students to think differently and see things through many different lenses," says Lara Ash, a third-grade teacher at High Plains Elementary who took advantage of the FAC's free school program this year. The program, launched in January, is part of the work to increase access to the arts, an initiative guided by the strategic plan for the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College.
Report an issue - Last updated: 04/14/2021