Additional Post Election Opportunities for Engagement

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,

Following up on the message sent yesterday, I am pleased to announce additional opportunities for engagement. Tomorrow (12:15 in Loomis Lounge), CCSGA, the student trustee, and my office are partnering to host a faculty panel on the impact of the election. Please join Camisha Russel (Philosophy), Michael Sawyer (REMS), Elizabeth Coggins (Political Science), Jane Murphy (History), Bill Craighead (Economics and Business) and Vanessa Munoz (Sociology), who will discuss "The Post-Election Future: America and Abroad." Lunch will be served.

As we wrap up Block 3, I also want to wish you all a restorative and happy fall break, a time for enjoying family and friends. I hope to see some of you at the CCSGA-sponsored "Loving Send-off: A Celebration of Identity and People at Colorado College" on Monday at 12:30 pm, outside of Worner.

All my best to each of you!


Report an issue - Last updated: 12/17/2020