Mini-Exhibition Feminist Lesbian Science Fiction

We invite you to enjoy a new mini-exhibition in the display case in the garden level of Tutt Library.

The display covers Ten Great Reads from the Feminist Lesbian Sci-Fi Boom of the 1970s from Sandra Gail Lambert Picks Her Favorites from an Unsung Genre. Sandra Gail Lambert is an author and a 2018 NEA Fellow in Creative Writing.

The Colorado College library now has the ten highlighted books mentioned in this article. Some have truly fantastic pulp paperback covers. Use the title to search the TIGER catalog to find the call numbers and location so you can retrieve the book.

The ten books are:

  1. Joanna Russ, Picnic on Paradise
  2. Suzette Haden Elgin, Native Tongue
  3. Joyce Thompson, Conscience Place
  4. Amazons!, ed. Jessica Amanda Salmonson
  5. Elizabeth A. Lynn, A Different Light
  6. Vonda N. McIntyre, Dreamsnake
  7. Octavia E. Butler, Mind of My Mind
  8. Suzy McKee Charnas, Walk to the End of the World
  9. James Tiptree, Jr. (Alice Sheldon), Star Songs of an Old Primate
  10. Mary Staton, From the Legend of Biel

Read Lambert's article here: (The article includes the covers of this books.)


Report an issue - Last updated: 05/19/2022