Tiger Tracks

Number of alumni in the College database: 21,138

Top three last names in database: Smith, Johnson and Brown

Number of alumni who live outside the United States: 589

Number of alumni living in Colorado Springs: 2,286

State outside Colorado where most alumni live: California

City outside Colorado with that claim to fame: Seattle

Number of alumni who work as teachers: 1,294

Number who work in business/commerce: 3,023

Number of alumni who work as physicians: 408

Number who work as attorneys: 694
(includes 41 judges, 29 public prosecutors, 15 public defenders)

Number of alumni who are CEO/company presidents: 153

Number who are circus performers: 2

Number of alumni who work in the Peace Corps/VISTA: 17

Number of alumni who work for the College: 84

Number of high schools in the College applicant pool: 1,563

State following Colorado with the most admissions in 1995: California

Most popular major: Biology

Percentage of faculty who have Ph.D or highest degree available in their field: 96

Number of alumni who have graduate degrees: 6,004

Last year women had to be in the dorm by 10 p.m.: 1964

Most popular author of fiction at College bookstore: Ann Rice (11 titles stocked)

Average wait in line at the College bookstore on the first day of Block One: 30 minutes

Average tab at the bookstore on the first day of Block One: $75

Tuition in1916: $80

Most Gold Cards processed in one day: 500

Most popular items on Marriotts menu: Chicken patty sandwiches and Lucky Charms

Number of sack lunches prepared by Marriott staff for the picnic to welcome new students: 1,800

Number of donors to last years annual fund: 8,465

Average gift per person: $140

Top five classes that contributed the most: 1939, 1969, 1958, 1974 and 1948

Number of vehicles registered on campus: 1,523

Number of parking spaces in campus lots: 761

Oldest item at Tutt Library: a cuneiform dating to 2030 B.C.

Number of volumes at Tutt Library: 280,000

Number of alumni with Pulitzer Prizes: 2
(other Pulitzers have gone to a visiting professor, a husband of a graduate, and two parents of alumni)

Number of alumni and/or college employees married in Shove Chapel in 1994: 25

Number of graduates late for 1995 commencement: 4

This information, gathered from various campus departments and the College database, was current as of October 1995.